Business Magazine

How To Make Your Team More Productive?

Posted on the 31 October 2019 by Gaurav Kumar @vhowtodo

Leading a team has always been challenging. As a leader, you should motivate your team members, resolve conflicts, and provide guidance. Another important task is to make people work in unison in order to achieve common goals.

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Sometimes, it's difficult to motivate yourself to get the job done on time. And being responsible for someone's else's progress might be a nightmare for inexperienced team leaders.

On the other hand, there is nothing to worry about since the subject of productivity has been already studied. Here you can find useful tips on team productivity and motivation:

The importance of taking breaks

That's right. If you want your team to work harder and be more creative, you should encourage them to take regular breaks at work. It has been proven that taking a pause can help restore motivation, consolidate memories, and prevent job burnout.

If someone from your team works long hours without taking a break for lunch, be there for that person. Explain to them that it's not the way they should work. This robot approach usually leads to exhaustion and stress. Needless to say, it can't help to achieve the desired results.

The importance of communication

You should be able to explain to others what exactly you want from them. So, make sure to work on your communication skills. Clear workplace communication prevents stress, promotes empowerment, and transparency.

Meetings with team members and the boss shouldn't take a lot of time. Before every meeting, create an agenda and establish a time frame. Also, encourage your team members to ask you relevant questions.

Below you can find even more useful tips on workplace productivity, according to FaxBurner:

How To Make Your Team More Productive?

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