Expat Magazine

How to Make Lithuanian Borscht/ Šaltibarščiai/ Cold Beet Soup

By Adventuresinamyland

How to make Lithuanian Borscht/ šaltibarščiai/ Cold Beet SoupPhoto by author.

1 can/jar pickled beets
1 cucumber
2 eggs
green onions
dry & fresh dill
approx. 2-3 cups buttermilk

Slice up beets and cucumber (remove seeds) and put into the beet juice from the can/jar. Hard boil 2 eggs, peel, remove yokes, chop, and add to beets & cucumber. Chop up some scallions and throw them in, too. Add buttermilk until it turns light pink. Add dill to taste (I LOVE dill!). Refrigerate.


If you’re feeling particularly Lugan you can eat it with a boiled potato and some sour cream. Enjoy!

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