Diaries Magazine


By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

Long time no blog! University got crazy busy but things are starting to slow down now. Thankfully. Dissertation has been handed in - a massive, massive thank you to all the Twitter users that took part in my research. Very much appreciated. My exam was today so just one report due in a week on Friday and then I am done! University is over!
I definitely want to get back into blogging now things aren't as manic. I lost my love for it a little bit but after a break, it is back! I want to blog about more things rather than just fashion and clothes. That said... if you follow me on Twitter - Link - you will know that recently I have been on a little workout kick. I have always been into health & fitness since I initially lost about 3 1/2 stone when i was about 18/19. I have wanted to be really toned for summer so I took it upon myself to get it! I have been working out 6 days a week. Not major, high intensity workouts every time but a mixture of toning, pilates and cardio. Que a few workout wear related purchases...
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These neon shorts are from the H&M sportswear range. I got Neon pink and orange but they have 3 other colours. I love them. So comfy & easy to chuck on to workout in. Plus a bargain of bargains at £7.99! Link to the shorts is here.
In other news, I am growing my hair out! I have had a very short pixie cut for a good few years now but I fancy a change. I want some hair! The aim is a messy bob ala Julianne Hough but for now it is at this stage...
 photo 30-04-13_zpsc0330035.jpgMy hair now, freshly cut to let it grow in in a nice way! 
 photo 18-03-12_zpsee482978.jpgMy hair super short on the 18th of March. I actually can't believe how short it is.
Apart from that not too much has been happening! I cannot wait to get back into blogging and to reading blogs now that I have some more free time. Enjoy this bootiful spring night!

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