Expat Magazine

Happy New Year

By Expatmum @tonihargis
Hope your New Year's Eve went as well as you wanted it to do. Some people like to party all night and some prefer to stay in. I was very undecided this year. Would've been happy curled up in front of the TV except that there was nothing I really wanted to watch. Scratch that, - there was nothing on the TV at all. For some reason, although the USA does Christmas to the max, the telly is woeful. No Christmas specials. In fact it's worse than usual.
Anyway, we eventually went up to one of the ski bars where we are, and sang along to the fabulous duo Lefty Lucy. There was a brief break for fireworks at 10pm. (Not sure why it was at 10pm. Perhaps because it was NY on the east coast, or something.) At the end of the set they let the Man-Child get up and sing "Blister in the Sun", which he did really well and got high-fived by everyone. (I would post the I-phone video here but he'd go mad and life wouldn't be worth living.)
Weird moment of the evening was when a grew of women of varying ages all wanted their photos taken with him. (You know, just in case he ever gets famous.) One of them kept trying to push me into the photo, so I said "I'm his mom, I can be in a photo with him any time. Here let me take it." That's a bit of a lie because it's like pulling teeth trying to get my kids in photos with me, and it doesn't take into account that no one takes photos except me. It would have to be a selfie with him in as well.
Anyway, I digress. Having offered to take the group photo instead of being in it. one woman (about my age) said "What? I thought you were his girlfriend." To which I responded "What? He's eighteen".
I can't figure out whether she thought he was a LOT older than he is or that I looked well, young enough to be his girlfriend. All a bit weird and I can only assume she'd been at the sherry since lunch time.
Here's to 2014!

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