Humor Magazine

Grunting Makes It Easier

By Pearl
I was hoisting my body out of a chair the other day…
You know how it is.  You’re terribly tired, your muscles grumbling about how you don’t take them out for months and then you expect some sort of performance -- and now you're all sore and achy, aren't you?

It's got me thinking.
Today’s topic de jour for today – redundancy being a topic for another time – is grunting.
Not enough is being said about grunting; and frankly, I’m appalled. Look at all grunting has given us.
1. It’s a ridiculously descriptive word, an Archie Bunkeresque word that pretty much declares itself without any help from you.
2. Look at it. Grunt. If you had to come up with a word to describe the act of grunting, it practically throws itself at you.
3. It’s very difficult to misspell the word “grunt”. There’s just no other way to spell it, and I like that in a word.
4. It’s also, at least on the east coast of the U.S., a crumbly-topping-and-fruit cake dealio. Don’t let the name fool you. Trust me. Order the Blueberry Grunt.
I could go on – and probably will! but I’m heading to yoga and after 60 minutes of heated exertion, I’ll bet I’ll think of more to say on the topic of grunting.
And there you have it, a perfectly Monday kind of post.
Minimum effort.
Maximum grunting.

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