Entertainment Magazine

Giving That Little Bo-t More ...

Posted on the 05 December 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
We've already established that we think the world of Bo Saris. His last single, the Addict, is an absolute scorcher with one of the best falsetto lead vocals you'll ever have heard, and whilst that high pitched tone is nowhere to be heard in his new single, Little Bit More, he still manages to have the utmost in terms of sophistication in what is a truly incredible single.
Giving That Little Bo-t More ...Like something along the lines of John Newman, but with more of a Justin Timberlake tone, Bo Saris manages to bring the old school vibe back to reality and well and truly into the present day. He has something about him, in this, that speaks much more than anything else he has ever done. There's still that sway effect in his music, but, the way in which he holds himself and how he uses his vocal, is very different from before and really showcases just how talented he is as a musician and singer.
This is very much the sort of thing that the UK is looking for in the market and, with such a rise in the number of male vocal solo-artists currently taking to the limelight, there's definitely still a little bit of room for someone like Bo, and we'd be surprised if he didn't make something of himself over these parts in the coming year.
Something about this really shouts along the lines of Gnarles Barkley, although, maybe a tad more relaxed, and with something not quite so distinct ... either way, we feel that this is one single you should be ready and waiting for, because when it hits the UK, we're sure it'll hit hard and do massively well.

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