Humor Magazine

Give That Man a Prize!

By Davidduff

Mandela sign


No, no, not him!  I mean the one on the right, the podgey-lookin' fella.  He spent all day yesterday on the podium listening to the biggest collection of A1 crashers ever gathered in one place and with an absolutely straight face - well, actually, his face is definitely on the rounded side but you know what I mean - waving his hands and arms about like a demented tic-tac man as he pretended to be translating the proceedings for the benefit of the deaf.  Now it transpires that he was a fake!  Not that the deaf are complaining, mind you, because one of the few benefits to be enjoyed by people suffering with that disability is that you never have to listen to the Droner-in-Chief pontificating for America!  Anyway, in retrospect I think it was an excellent gag and I have a sneaking suspicion that it would have been enjoyed by the man in whose honor the whole kerfuffle was arranged.


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