Entertainment Magazine


Posted on the 03 December 2014 by Neelofar Malik @neelu25pearl


Watch Trailer :-Fury(Trailer)

Watch Movie :-Fury(Full Movie Online)

Title: Fury(2014)
Duration: 134 min
Cast: Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman
IMDB Rating : 8.0/10

Fury is a war movie staring Brad Pitt , the story is of April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy commands a Sherman tank and his five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and with a rookie soldier thrust into their platoon, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany.

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