Books Magazine

Fun With Word Counts

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

This blog post is 133 words.

The average article I write for my day job is around 600 words.

The estimated word count on the book I’m pitching to agents is 50,000 words.

All that to say some of the word counts in the following infographic from Electric Literature blow my mind.

Some examples:

  • War and Peace is 561,304 words.
  • Les Miserables is 530,982 words.
  • Infinite Jest is a well-earned 483,994 words.
  • Oh, you thought Ulysses was long? That’s cute. It’s only 265,222 words.

Also of note: The novels from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series average in the 300,000 to 400,000 range. Each novel! That’s stunning.

I’ll stop talking now and let you view the infographic for yourself. It has a lot of interesting information about novels with shorter word counts as well. Credit to Electric Literature. 

word counts of novels

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