Fitness Magazine

Friday Five

By Khourianya @khourianya
I am totally stealing this idea from Solana, mainly because I have felt particularly lacking in the blogger department this week.  With a house full of sick people, and me being the only healthy one of us, I just haven't had much time to think or write.  I thought this looked like fun :)
So, here it is...enjoy...
Five things I have a passion for
1.  Running
2.  Hiking
3.  Coffee - particularly the perfect soy latte
4.  Giving my kids an amazing and magical childhood
5.  Creativity
Five things I’d like to do before I die
1.  Tour Europe
2.  Move back to the city...any city :P  Kidding...just to Calgary or Vancouver.  Right now it feels like it's NEVER going to happen.
3.  Ride in hot air balloon
4.  Own a Bernese Mountain Dog
5.  Live to be 128 years old - since life already feels too short for all that it could possibly hold
Five reads I love
1.  Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
2.  The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
3.  A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness
4.  The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
5.  JPod - Douglas Coupland
Five favorite movies
1.  Breakfast at Tiffany's
2.  Amelie
3.  Garden State
4.  Up
5.  Lord of the Rings Trilogy (after I got past the fact that Jackson obviously failed to read the books)
Fives places I want to travel to
1.  Sardinia
2.  Ireland
3.  Great Wall of China
4.  New York
5.  Mainland Europe (specifically Paris and Tuscany)
and something a little bookish ;)
Friday Five
Have a great weekend, y'all.  Right now, I'm tapering and am hoping to not contract whatever this bug is the rest of my family has...wish me luck!

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