Current Magazine

Fox Business News Has Interesting Concept Of “Worst Customer Service”

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Fox Business News reports that an American Airlines flight that normally takes 50 minutes between Dallas and Oklahoma City took 10 hours… due to weather delays.

According to the report, the passengers were allowed to leave the plane for the “majority of the delay” and the delay was due in part due to deicing issues. So passengers were allowed to leave the plane and get food and use bathrooms… or as Fox Business news described the it:

“When it comes to the worst customer service in America, the airlines are high on the list” because of incidents like the one being reported.

3 Suggestions For Fox Business News

1. Please don’t run businesses other than providing business “news” because deicing planes in normally warm Dallas sounds like a good business idea.

2. Instead of just interviewing a passenger on the plane, you might want to ask questions to someone in the know about Dallas weather conditions. Perhaps a cowboy snowman before it melts. Now that would be a scoop!

3. “The worst” customer service would be seating passengers next to a Fox News Reporter who would talk their ears off blaming the weather delay on the President and Democrats. Fortunately that didn’t happen in this case.

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