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Flower Beds

By Vsudarsan
Spring is almost here Adorn your garden with colorful flowers. I've a few beautiful flower beds and some ideas for you...
First and foremost pick a spot that gets ample sunlight and which instantaneously adds curb appeal to your garden. Next, determine the perimeter of your flower bed. It could edge your lawn; edge your path way; hang from a window; go around a water fountain; or go around a large tree. Before you start buying plants, you should sketch it out. Your flower bed should consist of a few rows of short and colorful flowering plants in front of tall green plants -- a gardening technique a.k.a. as layering. A well layered garden looks layered even when plants fully mature. Find annuals or perennials that grow best in weather conditions in your area. You have unlimited color combinations and textures available to you... go with your instincts. I've several examples for your here...
Flower Bedsvia: marksvegplot.blogspot.comFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower BedsFlower Beds Flower Beds
Flower Beds

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