Debate Magazine

Flirting with Treason: The Insurrectionist Ideology of the NRA Leadership

Posted on the 16 June 2013 by Mikeb302000
 American flag
The Examiner
The NRA's leadership embraces an insurrectionist ideology that asserts that the intent of the second amendment is to permit American citizens to shoot and kill federal agents and law enforcement officers in the event that they believe those agents are attempting to facilitate or impose some form of government tyranny. This dangerous doctrine, that flirts with committing treason, is the cornerstone of the gun lobby's opposition to any and all forms of gun control. This ideology is explicitly expressed by many of the NRA's congressional supporters. For example, freshman Republican Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida, an NRA endorsed candidate in 2012, refusing to yield any concessions on gun control, recently told a reporter that it was the birthright of every American to have "the same equipment as the military."

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