Entertainment Magazine

First Thing... Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Posted on the 17 July 2011 by Raghavmodi @raghavmodi
First Thing... Ferris Bueller's Day OffContinuing with my “First thing that comes to your mind when you think of …” series this time I decided to ask my twitter followers their thoughts on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
FBDO remains one of my most watched movies till date. It’s a classic of sorts which has a number of iconic moments and is quite quotable.
Simply a day in the life of three friends the movie is extremely uplifting and tells you to live each day to the max as if it was your last day, all in a light and fun manner.
As always, I recommend that you follow the following tweeters on twitter  (that sounded nice) as they all are likely to provide you with hours of good conversation.
So, this is what people think when I say Ferris Bueller’s Day Off;
@Discuss_Cinema – “I wouldn't have gotten on with him in school at all.”
@DrunkonVHS – “The fact that principle Rooney (Jeffrey Jones) is a registered sex offender...seems just a little too fitting haha”
@Zinematic – “This may sound a bit strange but I always picture a very young Alan Ruck providing fantastic support.”
@criticismism – “That lovely scene in the museum: http://t.co/vhiPBOH
@nuts4r2 – “Well it was a film I deliberately ignored at cinemas when it was released so, honestly, the only thing I can think of when you say that is Mathew Broderick and a car (red?).”

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