Entertainment Magazine

Favorite Song Friday: Gust of Wind

By Xoxoxoe
It's no secret that I love Pharrell. I am a fan of not just his music, but his upbeat and thoughtful approach to art and life. But I was pleasantly surprised yet again by Pharrell when I caught the video for "Gust of Wind," featuring Daft Punk, and directed by Edgar Wright (The World's End, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World).
The song is one of the more engaging tracks on his album Girl. But the style of the video takes in the playfulness and otherworldliness of his collaborators while also transporting the song to something not just groovy but ethereal.

favorite song friday: gust of wind

Now that's a party I want to attend.

I just love those Zardoz-y heads, the bright colors, the slow-motion.

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