Destinations Magazine


By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

Family. They come in all forms. Some are related to us by blood, some are simply related to us by unexplained, magnetic connection. There are some that we blame for our failings, and some that played a large part in our success. Sometimes we are proud of our clan, and other times they do things that baffle the hell out of us. They are quirky, confusing, complex and often residing on different planets to our own, waving over at us furiously. They are the people whose lives we continually criticise, whilst simultaneously striking down anyone outside the unit who tries to do so. 
My Aunty Carolyn (pronounced Aunty Cowlyn for most of my life) had a milestone birthday recently and this got me thinking about my family. I got thinking about our little group and how close we all are. Got thinking about what life would be like on a different path, another path where I did not know a family like this one, and today I feel grateful. These people are my people, and no matter what, hell or high water, they are the first ones standing beside me if life gives me a kidney shot. There is always someone waiting to tap in, while another stitches up my bleeding eye and gives me a pep talk.
Roosevelt spoke of getting in the arena. But today I'm thinking of my supporters in the wings. The people who see me fall in the dirt and yell out at me with unrelenting support.
 'Get up you pansy!! You got this! Don't make me come out there and mess up my outfit!!'
Love you team xo
Theodore Roosevelt's Speech - The Man in the Arena

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