Celeb Magazine

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh


Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

Lots of iconic women owned yorkies, including Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, and Mia Farrow. 

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

I don’t actually know if Mia Farrow had a Yorkie, but I just watched a video called “Siru-Nom nom nom nom nom nom” to find out what its name might be.

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

Audrey’s was named Mr. Famous, and she let him do disgusting things to her, kind of like how I sometimes feed Franke from my mouth.

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

I’m loathe to post this one, but Miranda Kerr also has one, and guess what it’s name is? Frankie.

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

Booyah. Supermodel dog. 

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

Anyway, so OMG, here’s a few more really cute ones of Yorkies with their celebrity moms.

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

Rat dog!

Factoids That Make Me Feel Less Pathetic For Loving Franke So Much

I would reenact this with Franke right now only it’s pouring rain, pitch black dark, I’m too fat for those pants, and Franke ate her bow.

Now, back to work.

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