Family Magazine

Even Newbies Need To Know About Biz Security

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

You may have just started up your new company and are looking for ways to keep it safe and secure. You don’t want anything to swoop in and take your business down, and there are ways to avoid this. Even as a new business owner, you need to be sharp on the security of your business otherwise it may not get very far into the market. Here are some of our recommendations on how to keep your business safe.

Understanding Legal Requirements


You might have read a lot of reports lately about the GDPR that is affecting businesses operating in Europe. The GDPR is a new set of laws that are designed to regulate how businesses keep, store and share data of their customers. Built into these laws are requirements of the level of security that need to be in place to ensure that customer data is protected. What you may not know is that laws like this exist all over the world, regardless of what country you are operating in. That’s why you should make sure that you are contacting a legal advisor about your business to check that your business is being run by the book. If you don’t know the legal requirements that you are bound by, it’s easy to slip up in this area.

Staying Secure On The Cloud


You may be using cloud servers to keep and store all of your customer’s data and personal information. It is important that you make sure that they are secure and safe against any potential hacks that you may encounter. If you invest in managed cloud solutions, you will have experts on your side who can keep a check on your servers and make sure there are no issues that could cause security headaches down the road. You don’t want your customers to feel as though if they share their data with you that it will put them at risk. Investing in managed cloud solutions will give your customers the peace of mind that they deserve.

Knowing The Threats

There are always going to be threats to a company, whether that is break-ins or a cyber attack. You need to make sure that you are aware that this can happen and are taking the precautions to avoid this as best you can. If you are aware of what could happen, you will be more inclined to put measures in place to prevent it from ever getting to an actual incident.

Seeing The Signs Of A Hack


You are going to need to look out for many different signs that you are getting hacked. This could be from random emails to frequent random popups. Software on your computer that you didn’t install and your passwords not working are both immediate signs of a hack. Of course, these are not the only tells that will indicate that you have been hacked, there are many more. You need to be vigilant when it comes to protecting your business and knowing the signs of a hack is a good way to do this.

We hope that you heed this advice when you are setting up your business security.

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