Celeb Magazine

E!: No Really, Brad Pitt & Angelina’s Divorce is ‘not Moving Forward Right Now’

Posted on the 11 August 2017 by Sumithardia

E!: No really, Brad Pitt & Angelina’s divorce is ‘not moving forward right now’
E!: No really, Brad Pitt & Angelina’s divorce is ‘not moving forward right now’

For the love of God. The current issue of Us Weekly has a cover story all about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and sources claim that their divorce is “stalled.” The idea is that because Brad has gotten sober and refocused on being a father, that perhaps Angelina is rethinking everything. Gossip Cop slammed the idea behind the Us Weekly story, noting that “The magazine repeatedly contends Jolie is having second thoughts, but never once says Pitt is also considering a reunion.” Gossip Cop’s unnamed sources (Pitt sources) claim that the divorce is still on, that he’s still pissed about Angelina’s “scorched earth approach” with the divorce and that she’s just throwing this story out there to take the heat off of the Vanity Fair debacle. Except now E! News is basically saying the same thing as Us Weekly?
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have pressed pause on their divorce proceedings. Nearly a year after the A-list actress and humanitarian filed for divorce from her husband of two years and partner of 12, a source tells E! News things have come to a stand still. “It’s true that the divorce is not moving forward right now. They are taking a breather and seeing what happens,” the insider explains.
Jolie recently moved her family into a $25 million Los Angeles home, an adjustment she described to Vanity Fair as a “big jump forward for us,” while Brad is now sober. It’s these shifts, we’re told, that has led the exes to reconsider. Our source says, “They don’t take divorce lightly and want to make sure they are doing the right thing.”
“A lot has changed since Angelina filed,” the source notes, adding that Pitt’s sobriety has “really changed” their relationship. A separate insider adds, “Brad has been working on self-improvement.”
So is an official reconciliation just over the horizon? Not necessarily, as the insider says Brad and Angelina’s future is “up in the air” for the time being. “Things can change quickly,” the source adds, “but they aren’t pursuing the divorce at this time.”
[From E! News]
Gossip Cop once again published an exclusive takedown, using “an impeccable insider” (aka Brad’s publicist or lawyer, I would assume), claiming that Brad and Angelina “aren’t reconsidering anything. At least he isn’t.” Still, the insider contends that the process has “slowed down.” The insider basically accuses Angelina of planting these stories to take the heat off the VF thing, which… I don’t know. I find it hard to believe that Jolie would call up Us Weekly and E! News – as opposed to People Mag? – to push these stories, especially when Brad’s team has been leaking sh-t to Page Six, E! News and Us Weekly for months?
The whole “Brad’s too mad to ever call off the divorce” narrative reminds me of this E! News story several months back, in which Brad-centric sources began insisting the very same thing, that Brad is “way too upset” with how Angelina handled everything to ever get back together. It’s a pretty classic pattern, as I noted at the time – the guy who got dumped wants to assume a position of wounded self-pity and act like the ex who dumped him is still obsessed with him. Angelina didn’t sound obsessed with him the VF interview. She sounded like she was still really pissed at him.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: E!: No really, Brad Pitt & Angelina’s divorce is ‘not moving forward right now’

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