Self Expression Magazine

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It Helps, Try It Out!

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Your Content Syndication Strategy

If you are just starting, no people would know about your site, no-matter how good or bad your content is. It makes nothing.

You must spend time on SEO and content promotions. Perhaps, SEO can significantly help you find new readers to your piece of writing. SEO and content marketing go hand-in-hand.

So, you are likely to emphasize more people to discover your content.

With content syndication, bring out your content in front of a new audience.

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

Let's see how content syndication strategy stays still effective to grow your site traffic. Not just traffic, it also renders other gemstones of benefits. Let's get into it.

What Is Content Syndication?

Do you break your mind to come up with great content always? Yes, every content marketer will do.

You have optimized it for SEO, published, and shared on social media too.

But it upsets you. It falls short to tract and engage more audiences than you expect. That's ok.

Though driving traffic is always a common challenge for marketers, there are abundant ways to bring it up.

Among all, content syndication stands out.

So, what is content syndication?

It is a content promotion strategy again.

It is nothing but - republishing or broadcasting the same content on multiple other websites.

Some sites republish the articles that are initially published somewhere else over the web. It may either republish the entire content or cut-short into a short piece or just a small extract.

Indeed, you'll be credited as the original author syndicating your content on any platform.

Growth Hackers is of a kind content syndication site that most of the expert bloggers prefer to promote their content.

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

Syndicating Content Vs. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is about publishing original content on other's sites. On the other hand, content syndication is just republishing the content (that is already available somewhere) on certain platforms.

By the way, even readers can identify whether it is a guest post contribution or content syndication. Content Syndication always comes with a note like below.

Indeed, this mention helps to avoid duplicate content issues, as well as it is a formal endorsement to the author.

By the Way, What's so Great About Content Syndication?

The web is so crowd. Just publishing a piece of article on your blog can't reach every people.

Content syndication is a cost-effective strategy to broadcast your article or a piece of the excerpt. Even the big sites like INC, CNN, and the New York Times feature content syndication.

Why don't you?

Is Content Syndication For You?

But, content syndication may not be the best SEO strategy for all. Those who exaggerate the fear of duplicate content issues, it's not the one.

But, syndicating the content works well for the brands that strive to build brand awareness, social shares, and exposure.

Readers are tending to consume your creative content on other's sites. You will get an author mention and backlinks to drive decent traffic to your blog. Like how We Are Social does -

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

Other Benefits of Syndicating Your Content

Indeed, content syndication still works well. It remains valuable. Here are some of the valid reasons you should syndicate your content today.

Brand Building

Regularly syndicating your content on other popular platforms lets your brand more visible and accessible by more.

It's all about how your articles are relevant and valuable to the range of audiences. Make sure to following up with more articles on similar topics to keep the readers cliff-hanged.

Once people started consuming your content, it's a positive flag that they trust your brand and its deliverables.

Grow Your Audience

Republishing your piece of content on other influential sites is nothing but putting it in front of a wider audience.

Authoritative sites will have a large volume of loyal audiences. Indirectly, it can also boost the value of your original content.

Say if your blog has 1,000 readers for the original content, whereas the content syndication sites distribute your content to thousands and billions of its readers.

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

That's a new set of audiences to your ideas, and content though. If your content engages them better, then they are your readers very soon.

Drive Traffic to Your Site

As we have seen above, the content syndication platforms display a note about the author and the place where the content is originally published.

Getting mentioned on such authoritative sites is itself a boon. Receiving a backlink is like a treasury. You can drive a good volume of traffic to your page when your content really inspires them.

Join the Community

Content syndication sites greatly help you to get introduced to even top influencers in your niche.

I often read the posts on some popular content syndicating sites like Growth hackers and DoSplash.

And, I must really appreciate Philip Varghese (pvariel) for his active participation in the BizSugar MasterMind community. I often come across his genuine comments on other's feeds.

It's like a gateway to communicate and build relationships with other bloggers.

How to Find Your Content Syndication Partner?

The success of your content syndication strategy lies in how you take it. Where to syndicate or distribute your content?

The place where your target audience spends time is the right platform to distribute your content.

Keep in mind that content syndication isn't an effective link building technique, but it's an opportunity to communicate directly to other new outlet's audience.

Here are some of the popular content syndication outlets:

# Multi-Author Blogs That Allow Syndication

For business-related articles, Business 2 Community enables you to syndicate your content through blog RSS feeds.

On the other hand, for blogging and digital marketing niches, Social Media Today is a publication platform that helps.

# Social Networks

You can see most of the social networks like Facebook, and LinkedIn, have its own article distribution platforms like Facebook's Instant Articles, and LinkedIn Pulse, respectively.

Quora allows its users to broadcast their content on its own blog. It must be the lowest-hanging fruit to put your content in front of a wider audience.

In these platforms, you can easily syndicate your content to take advantage of its influences.

# Slack Communities

These content sharing sites are the great places to get your content shared among any level of expertise audiences.

Especially to network with the thought leaders in the niche, you must incorporate it into your content marketing strategy. Growth Hackers, BizSugar, DoSplash, are some of the flexible content sharing sites I love to syndicate my content.

There are few other platforms like Medium, Tumblr, etc. to push your content to other publications as well.

Always there is the right time to do the right things. Once you have decided on the content syndication sites to target, you will also want to consider the time the article comes live for the maximum reach.

Make sure the syndicated content goes live after the search engines index your original content. Since you are syndicating your content on authoritative sites, it can even outrank the original.

Get Started with Content Syndication

Armed with the information, let's get started with content distribution to build new audiences.

The phenomena might look similar. But, the success lies in the quality of the content and effectiveness of your pitch.

Almost syndication relationships are like what you do with guest blogging. Master your pitching describing your offer.

Once you outreach, know their syndication guidelines and then proceed.

As I said earlier, content syndication isn't a link building strategy; still getting backlinks makes it more fruitful.

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

Make sure to display a message about its original publications linking to it.
Once you plan to employ a content syndication strategy for your content promotions, put your maximum efforts.

Try to spread out content on multiple outlets for the significant results. Don't stick with a single partner.

Let's Wrap Up

Spruce up your content marketing with content syndication strategy. Especially to build brand awareness and to turn around more eyeballs, you should ignite yourself in distributing your content to any extent.

Give it a try and observe the difference in your content reach and performance. I'd love to know if you are using content syndication at your blog or business today.

Do You Believe in Content Syndication Strategy? It helps, Try It Out!

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