Food & Drink Magazine

Detox ~ Getting in Your Greens!

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I woke up this morning and realized I'd be in Palm Beach in two weeks.  I am SO not ready!  I had some surgery back in late January so I have been unable to exercise for the last month and am starting to feel the effects on my body (and on my mind as well.)  As I am still in a holding-pattern and not allowed back at the gym for another week, taking care of myself with a proper diet is the way to go.
Detox ~ Getting in your Greens!Nothing works better for your body than juicing and raw foods if you are trying to shed those unwanted winter pounds. As a member of Equinox gym, I get their newsletter, Q, which featured some fabulous juicing recipes any of us can try: If you don't have a juicer, or don't want to bother, your local Equinox cafe and other health food stores, are great places to go pick up a bottle someone else has created, or where you can customize your own fresh on the spot.  (Check out my past blog posts on Organic Avenue and Naked juices for more ideas and delivery options.)
For those of you who want to eat well, but juicing isn't your thing (or you simply want more,) try the organic chocolate super cookies or pumpkin super chips from Go Raw.  These crunchy, flavorful snacks have no GMO's or transfats, and are gluten free, vegan and raw.  The seeds and coconut do add fat, but these are heart-healthy fats, not the kind that pack on the pounds.  I don't recommend eating a whole bag in one sitting, but one serving is great as an accompaniment to your morning coffee or as a mid-afternoon snack.  The chocolate makes these "cookies" deceitfully healthy ~ you may feel guilty when you taste them, but they are totally guilt-free!
Tell me what you like to do to get beach ready, or just to feel great in general!

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