Fitness Magazine

Daily Chase: Vol. 38

By Locutus08 @locutus08

It is most definitely the 11th hour, and I have things as planned and organized as I possibly can before leaving for Georgia. Living on the east coast means direct flights are now much more possible, so my flight from Philly to Atlanta will be rather quick and ultimately much more convenient than attempting to drive the 12 hours south. I’ll have some time tomorrow to get things squared away once I check into the hotel, and then hopefully get a bit of rest before a 3:45AM wake-up call on Saturday morning!

Chasing42 Log: 20160315-20160317

Run: I’ve kept my runs nice and short this week and truly respected the taper, despite some beautiful weather that has had me itching to spend much more time outside! I kept my mileage low all three days, and left myself time to take care of all of the other ins and outs that come with leaving for the weekend.

Did I mention there will be some climbing involved?

Did I mention there will be some climbing involved?

Thought: I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the weather. This weekend should be no different. the forecast is calling for intermittent rain during almost all of the race. I have no problem with a light drizzle or misting, but I’m certainly hoping that it doesn’t get any heavier than that. Ultimately, I’m hoping I still get a chance to take in some of the amazing views that were part of the reason I signed up for this race in the first place! Either way, it’s going to be an experience like no other, and I can’t wait to get things started. This weekend will be a true #chasing42 challenge :)

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