Fitness Magazine

Daily Chase: Vol. 21

By Locutus08 @locutus08

The reality of the Georgia Death Race and the insane climbs it encompasses set in for me pretty early on. However, the intensity of my training didn’t necessarily match that reality. I’ve been getting in quality miles all along, but not necessarily including as much vertical gain as I would have liked. It’s amazing to think about how much my views on vert have changed since moving to Delaware. In Iowa, I’m not sure I would have even bothered signing up for the GDR. The flat lands don’t provide much natural opportunity for trail running or climbing. However, I continue to be impressed and energized by the amazing trails and significant climbs I have surrounding me. I’m at a point where I’m getting in more climbing in one shorter run in Delaware than I did in weeks worth of running in Iowa, and I love every grueling, quad-burning moment of it!

Chasing42 Log: 20160131 & 20160201

Run: Both yesterday and today were all about climbing, and I did plenty of it! Yesterday, I revisited a part of our route from Saturday and did some repeats on two of the largest hills I’ve found yet. This might have been the first time I was truly feeling like I was preparing myself for what was to come in March. I repeated the process with a rain-soaked run full of hill repeats this afternoon as well. My calves are perhaps a bit tighter as a result of all of the climbing I’ve been doing, but I feel like my legs are holding up really well, and I’m embracing the uptick in strength and endurance. I may not have mountains out my backdoor, but I can certainly simulate them with enough repeats!

Sunny skies and 50 degree days make running in winter a pretty darn wonderful experience!

Sunny skies and 50 degree days make running in winter a pretty darn wonderful experience!

Thought: I’m now more than two months into my #chasing42streak and have run more consecutive days than at any other point in my life. I feel like I’m settling into a routine and still finding ways to adequately recover and give my legs (and the rest of my body) the TLC it requires. Knowing that I would be running every day has certainly resulted in a slight shift in my daily mindset, but it hasn’t been nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. I think it’s a wonderful reminder that when you truly enjoy doing something, you don’t view it as any sort of chore or burden. I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to go out and run each day, and follow my own unique path as I continue #chasing42!

The natural beauty in this area is fantastic!

The natural beauty in this area is fantastic!

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