Athletics Magazine

Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

By Brisdon @shutuprun
This morning has started out beautifully! I overslept because I wore earplugs last night and was completely dead to the world as I dreamed about being in Costa Rica and at the same time hating my car insurance carrier (weird how dreams mix all kinds of shit up that just DOES NOT go together).
I got up 14 minutest late and took Heidi out back for her walk. Leaving our yard, the gate completely fell off its hinges, so I just propped it up, figuring someone would take care of it someday (best to ignore things and they go away).

Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

Can anyone come over today and weld this for me? 

Heidi and I got out to the golf course where she left a humongous pile of poop. It was then I realized I forgot a doggie bag (I was still asleep when I left the house, basically). I was in full view of many houses and didn't want to just leave the poop at the tenth tee. So, I did what anyone in that situation does and got a stick and kebab-ed the poop and threw it in the creek. Fish food!
Never tell me I am not creative.
I came inside to Emma telling me it was hat day at school - she was wearing a Santa hat but there was a huge hole in it (yeah because I let Heidi carry it around and rip holes in it the other 11 months of the year). So, guess what? I sewed that shit up in about 5 minutes with my handy sewing kit I got the last time I stayed at the Wynn in Las Vegas. It is totally worth it to spend $400/night at a hotel because you get a sewing kit and can be your daughter's hero on the spot (I wish I had taken a picture of the sewing job before she left for school - it was really grotesque. I should be better as I used to work at a fabric store in high school and actually made some of my own clothes - why wasn't I more popular???)
All of this happened before 7:28 a.m. and now I'm exhausted. But there is this:
Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

And, this because she is cute AF and I just got her a new collar. #therapydog!
Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

How's your morning?
Wait! Is this a running blog? Yep, it is. Truth is, I've been running a fair amount and not blogging or social media-ing about it (that IS possible!!).
Here's the rundown of "Currently...."
Averaging: 25 to 30 miles per week. I'm running 5 days/week with at least one of those days doing a longer run on trails with elevation gain (1,000-2,000 feet). Here I am doing that:
Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

Dreading: The fact that while it is eerily warm here right now, we will be getting into those 10 degree runs where my butt turns into an ass-icle and my snot freezes in place. It's just the Colorado way.
Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

Planning: Trying to narrow down my races for next year. I wish I had more money. I know there will be a 50K or 50 miler in there (thinking about the Dirty Thirty 50K in June and the Crested Butte Ultra 55K in September).

Drinking: Weird, but I have found my pre-run secret sauce. I've always been a Nuun drinker (and a noon drinker, but that's a different story). I have been having 12 ounces of Nuun before my longer runs and it gives me super powers.

Image result for nuun

Strawberry Lemonade is the key to happiness (with vodka - that's noon drinking)

Racing: Not doing too much of that lately. But, guess what? I did a 10K Turkey Trot a couple of weeks ago and it was my third fastest 10K ever. And, I did this magic trick where I finished in 50:00:00 (fifty minutes, not hours) on the dot. I did that because I am 50. Or, because I got lucky.

Currently...(Running Edition) and Why This Morning Sucked

Obnoxious Christmas ornament

Contemplating: This would be really f*cking stupid, but I a thinking of entering the lottery to do the Leadville 100 Run in August. I have no business doing that, but I have no business doing many of the things I do (remember how I picked up that poop today?)
Anticipating: Guess what?? Looks like I am going back to Nevis (British Virgin Islands) in March with the Tourism Board to do the Nevis to St. Kitts Channel Swim. It is a 2.5 mile swim from - you guessed it - Nevis to St. Kitts. I'm also hoping to climb Mt. Nevis while I'm there (3,500 feet).
Image result for nevis to st. kitts swim images

Reading: The Blue Zones. Probably why I dreamed about Costa Rica.  The book outlines how the author traveled to places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy remarkably long, full lives and what the lifestyle choices/patterns are of those people. He considers things like climate, how often you're outside, if you own pets, diet, etc.
You can take the author's happiness test HERE. I am a B+ in happiness.

Image result for blue zones

Ken - why don't we live in Ikaria or Nicoya?? Then I'd be an A++++

Welp, that's all I got today!
What was your "grade" on the happiness test?

What job did you have in high school?

What's one race goal you have for 2018?

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