Entertainment Magazine

Courtney Marie Andrews – ‘Burlap String’

Posted on the 21 April 2020 by Spectralnights
Courtney Marie Andrews – ‘Burlap String’

Photo credit: Alexa Viscius

Courtney Marie Andrews has shared the video for new single ‘Burlap String’ ahead of the release of her new album ‘Old Flowers’ (out on 5 June via Loose/Fat Possum Records – pre-order). The album was written following the end of a long-term relationship and this song finds Courtney looking back on the ups and downs and how, although she has moved on, she still retains the powerful memories: ‘Some days are good, some are bad. Some days I want what we had’. Over a goosebump-inducing country soundtrack, she ponders whether she will find this kind of companionship again: ‘Some days I talk myself into a life. I’ve grown cautious, I’ve grown up. I’m a skeptic of love. Don’t wanna lose what I might find’. Courtney finishes the song by repeating the song’s key message: ‘If I could go back now, I’d pick you wildflowers. Tie them in burlap string, tell you what you mean to me’.

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