Destinations Magazine

Costa Brava, Catalunya: As Seen from a Thermal Airship

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain:   as seen from a thermal airship

not everyday that I travel by thermal airship over Costa Brava, Catalunya.

This futurist sounding ride though is actually anything but.  It’s actually the oldest successful human-carrying flight technology, according to Wikipedia.  And it dates back to 1783.  Yes, I’m talking about what we would call in today’s terms a hot air balloon ride!

It’s also not everyday that I embark on an adventure and go… wherever the wind takes me.

Quite literally in this case!  You never know exactly where you will end up and aren’t those usually the most entertaining adventures anyway? Thankfully, the pilots from Globus Emporda know exactly what they’re doing.  There’s a good section of patchwork fields between the Pyreenes in the north and the rugged cliffs and coast line in the south.  Their plan is to land somewhere in one of the fields, but no one knows exactly where.  This is the stuff that Costa Brava is famous for and I have a bird’s-eye view of it all:

Getting ready for take off:  hot air ballooning in Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain

Taking a ride in a thermal airship over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain

Hot air ballooning over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain with the Pyrenees in the north.

A boot shaped patchwork farm seen while hot air ballooning over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain.

Hot air ballooning over a medieval village in Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain

Check out this medieval village in Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain which is even older than thermal aircrafts.

Overlooking a house while hot air ballooning in Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain.

Village seen while hot air ballooning over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain.

Farm seen while hot air ballooning over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain.

Mediterranean  Sea, seen while hot air ballooning over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain

Birds eye view of the Mediterranean that Costa Brava is so famous for.

Our hot air balloon route over Costa Brava, Catalunya, Spain

Our hot air balloon route over Costa Brava. We traveled just over 15km.

If exploring Costa Brava via a thermal airship is not your thing (although I highly recommend it), I can also suggest these travel adventures:

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