Food & Drink Magazine

Cooking Quickly & Eating Well – Turban Chopsticks, Riki Kasper, Your Inspiration…

By Foodie Cravings @foodiecravings

So it’s been busy, really really busy. So much so that this post which I drafted in August is only making its way to the blog today!!

We’ve moved into our new home, had junior burger’s 1st birthday party, traveled to Europe for five weeks, curated pizza challenges for Beaufort Street Festival just gone and I’ve also just put on a team of foodie cravings writers to help me eat through Perth. So when I’m racing against the clock, I love that I can eat well without spending hours in the kitchen by buying products off the shelf.

These are some of my favorite off the shelf products, I tend to stock up so that when I have a busy period it’s there waiting for me…

Your Inspiration Sri Lankan Curry – my friend had a Your Inspiration home party a few months back and since then Sri Lankan Curry has become a weekly menu item. It’s a tasty quick dinner that I can whip up in 20 minutes which includes cooking rice in my trusty rice cooker. Cooking this meal is super easy, I just roasting the spices in a frying pan, add coconut milk, tomato paste and diced chicken thigh.


Turban Chopstick’s butter chicken – I love love Turban Chopstick’s butter chicken jar – it’s so creamy and tasty. Again, super easy and quick. With the recipe on the back of the jar I don’t even have to think when I cook butter chicken for dinner.


Brownes Mango Passionfruit Yoghurt – since Brownes Dairy launched their new yoghurt range. I’ve been craving their mango passionfruit yoghurt pretty much every day so I’ve been having a bowl of yoghurt as an alternative to the salted caramel tim tams teasing me in the pantry.


Rikki Kaspi’s Lamb & Beef Chermoula Spice Paste – I love having Riki Kaspi’s slow cooked moroccan beef and couscous with orange zest, berries, silvered almonds & Moroccan spices mixed through. It’s an one bowl kinda dinner that I have when burger boy is working. I was so inspired by her recipe that I made a variation of this meal without the spices for junior burger.



I usually stock up on Riki Kaspi’s spice range at Supa IGA in Inglewood and Fresh Provisions in Mount Lawley – for somewhere closer to you, check out the list of stockists here.

Barilla pasta and sauce – sometimes I just don’t have the energy to think about what to cook and pasta is always my goto dish. Regardless of how tired I am, boiling water to cook pasta and stirring through a jar of sauce always seem to make a tasty meal. I usually buy the pasta sauces and stir in cream, basil and more seasoning.


What do you cook when you’re busy?

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