Entertainment Magazine

Collateral (TV Series – 2018) Review

Posted on the 24 April 2020 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7
Collateral (TV Series – 2018) Review

When a pizza delivery man is murdered in what at first appeared to be a random attack the London detectives on the case must quickly uncover the truth and the circumstances surrounding the death.


DI Kip Glaspie and DS Nathan Bilk are the detectives given the case. Kip is heavily pregnant and at times you wonder if she should really be working through the night and for the long stints, I have to admit that it created tension that something was going to happen to her in that sense.

I found the first episode to be incredibly engaging and interesting with the way things started to overlap in mere hours since the killing. Karen Mars was the woman who had ordered the pizza, something she just happens to do every Monday evening. She is the ex-wife of politician David Mars and that is something that interweaves the story in a totally different direction.

Military involvement is a massive part to the plot and just shows how corrupt some people can become. Sandrine Shaw is terribly suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from her last tour of Iraq. Something that no-one is helping her with and that is such a sad part of the plot. Very important to highlight everything the army officers are put through and how you never know how they can be effected by their actions.

I feel that is the only way I can describe some of the characters and involvement without revealing anything too deep about the plot. It certainly has plenty of twists and turns throughout, but with that ends up rather dull in some ways. After the first episode the following three did not seem to match up in terms of pace. Plus then the predictability after the initial surprises and shocks. Which was a little bit disappointing but I am sure it's something we have grown to expect from this type of limited series. They try to address and highlight so many different issues, illegal immigrants, drugs, corruption, PTSD, religion, politics and money. Having all of those thrown into four episodes was a very tough thing to do!

Collateral is a show that I am pretty sure I actually recorded when it was first shown by the BBC, a limited series with only four episodes which were just less than an hour each in running time. This was mainly due to Carey Mulligan being in the leading role as I am a big fan of hers. What I failed to then realise was how impressive the whole cast were for this series!

Carey Mulligan was certainly taking on something different with this role and that was something I always enjoy that she is willing to take on difficult and different roles. Just a shame that she wasn't given a little bit more to work with for this one. Jeany Spark was probably the standout performance in a difficult role with some hard hitting moments. Hayley Squires is also an actress I have enjoyed watching since first seeing her in I, Daniel Blake. So certainly some good female characters going on in this one! Billie Piper was good as well. John Simm and Nathaniel Martello-White were the standout from the male actors and worked well across scenes.

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