Lifestyle Magazine

Chic Thursday: How to Spice Up Your Office Wardrobe

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture
Chic Thursday: How to Spice Up Your Office Wardrobe

After a certain point work attire can feel redundant. Especially if you work in a super corporate environment. Day in and day out switching between pencil skirts and slacks can get to be in word...boring. So, how do you add a little zest without crossing the line of propriety? Accessories, of course!

Chic Thursday: How to Spice Up Your Office Wardrobe

The simplest addition of an accessory can change your whole look. What was once a mundane outfit is now worthy of compliments. The best part is that accessories are a cheap, quick, and easy way to revamp your office wardrobe.

Statement Jewelry

A bold necklace or statement earring can completely change your outfit. It will take a relatively simple outfit and make it eye catching while staying within the lines of an office dress code.

Bold Print Shoes

An animal or geometric print shoe will make your outfit look a bit more trendy. You could be in a basic white button up tucked into a pencil skirt. When you throw on a pair of snakeskin shoes your outfit you will go from boring to fashionista.

Tasteful Headband

The headband is making a comeback and could be the perfect way to add a bit of oomph the your outfit. Your everyday hairstyle will now make a statement!

Chic Thursday: How to Spice Up Your Office Wardrobe

How do you spice up your office wardrobe?

Chic Thursday: How to Spice Up Your Office Wardrobe

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