TV & Video Magazine

Charlaine’s Graphic Novel: A Done Deal

Posted on the 16 October 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Charlaine’s Graphic Novel: A Done DealCharlaine Harris’s new graphic novel is a done deal – according to USA Today.

The first book, Cemetery Girl, will be published by Ace Books in 2013. The trilogy is a collaboration between Harris, dark fantasy writer Christopher Golden, and illustrator Don Kramer.

Cemetery Girl will combine fantasy and paranormal mystery to tell the story of a teenaged girl with amnesia who has grown up living alone in amid the gravestones. As the series unfolds, the truth of who the girl is and how she came to be there will be gradually revealed both to the reader and to the character herself.

It will be Harris’s first venture into the world of graphic novels.

In a press release from her publisher, Harris said;

“I’d had the bones of the plot for Cemetery Girl in my head for a year when Chris suggested I re-imagine it as a graphic novel. Suddenly, the project made a lot more sense. Since Chris has more experience in the graphic novel field that I do, we agreed to team up for my first-ever collaboration. This is an exciting venture for both of us.”

This sounds like it will be a very interesting series, but unfortunately, not about vampires. Maybe she’s had enough of them for awhile?

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