Destinations Magazine

Casting Call: Millionaire Matchmaker

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia
Casting Call: Millionaire Matchmaker I got a call today from the casting director for Patti Stanger's hit show, "Millionaire Matchmaker". Bravo is on the hunt for some fresh millionaire meat and well, why not prowl Dallas!  I have a few ideas... but I thought I'd throw it out there in case there are some millionaires I forget to pitch this to.
Casting Call: Millionaire Matchmaker
Here's the criteria:
Bravo is looking for single men and women who are actual millionaires with great looks and/or personality that are looking for a potential mate - even if someone isn't looking for love, it's a great PR opportunity for people to get exposure and hype themselves and/or their business or brand on national TV. (What?! You mean all those people aren't actually looking for their soul mate on national TV!?) There is no age limit and great stories are a plus:
  • Hoteliers/Private Jets/Restaurateurs/Fun Venue Owners
  • Celebrities, Artists, Performers, Pro-Athletes
  • Real Estate Moguls
  • Vineyard/Farm Owners
  • Divorcee's/Widowers
  • Ex's now Friends to help find each other love
  • Fashion Designers
  • Financial Wizards
  • Internet Millionaires
Millionaires can be straight or gay, any ethnicity.  No heavy accents unless they are a billionaire. Billionaires can do whatever they want!  And you don't have to be a man! Lady millionaires can also apply!!
If you have an interested millionaire, you can contact Roni Garjy at [email protected].  Be sure to tell them Cynthia sent you. It will fast track you.

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