Lifestyle Magazine

Buying Independent Designer Wedding Invitations

By Claire

Source: via Claire on Pin­ter­est

The expe­ri­ence: buy­ing handmade

There’s some­thing really spe­cial about the per­sonal rela­tion­ship you’ll develop with your wed­ding invi­ta­tion designer. From the first chat or email… “Can you make me some­thing with a mono­gram / our venue in the design?” to the arrival of your first invi­ta­tion proof in the post — it’s a wed­ding expe­ri­ence which builds up to the day and makes it special.

Beats nip­ping down to Marks & Sparks for 6 packs of 12 invites in a lit­tle plas­tic wal­let thing, doesn’t it?

I’m pas­sion­ate about sup­port­ing small busi­nesses in the wed­ding indus­try. There’s so much cre­ative tal­ent out there: inde­pen­dent design­ers who are pas­sion­ate about every design they cre­ate, and artists and graphic design­ers who turn their hands and tal­ents to exquis­ite design for the cou­ples they work with.

Design­ers like Zoe from Bunny Deli­cious are the lifeblood of the cre­ative wed­ding indus­try. I asked Zoe why buy­ing hand­made and designer wed­ding sta­tionery is so special.

Using a small com­pany for your wed­ding sta­tionery can some­times work out A LOT cheaper than the big boys. With them you get very lit­tle choice, and they won’t know your name, just your order number.

“Us small inde­pen­dents, not only can we bend what we do to suit your wed­ding, we can make you 2 more invites, with­out a min­i­mum order of 20. We make the process more plea­sur­able, per­sonal and you know that you really have got one-off sta­tionery to suit your day. We get to know you, you get to know us. Sim­ple.”

London wedding reception stationery

Designer sta­tionery by Bunny Deli­cious. Photo credit Cecelina Torn­berg (Kirsty and Luke’s wed­ding com­ing up soon on the blog!)

So when you go to a wed­ding fair this autumn, watch out for the design­ers who are show­cas­ing their hand­made wed­ding invi­ta­tions. Stop and look — the time and exper­tise that goes into cre­ative wed­ding design is worth your invest­ment a mil­lion times over.

Inde­pen­dent design­ers are mak­ing wed­ding invi­ta­tions for YOU. They’ll be unique, per­sonal and a plea­sure to buy.

The high street stores are mak­ing wed­ding invi­ta­tions for every­one. The more cou­ples who buy iden­ti­cal invi­ta­tions, the bet­ter — so far as the big boys are con­cerned. But ask your­self: who would you rather give your money to?

I hope it’s the indie designers.

Claire x

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