Family Magazine

BREAKING NEWS: Canadian Tire Saves Santa!

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
When I was young, I assumed Canadian Tire would never be a store that interested me. When would I ever want to buy car stuff? I didn't realize then, as I do now, that there's so much more to Canadian Tire than tires (not to mention that one day I would be excited to have a vehicle!)
While it's a popular destination for us year-round (we've purchased everything from cleaning supplies to kitchenware to electronics there - including when we pulled in to pick up a portable DVD player out of desperation on our drive to the East Coast with two young children), Canadian Tire is also Canada's one-stop Christmas store. When my mom was helping me ramp up my decorations this holiday season, she headed to Canadian Tire and picked up some ornaments, faux greenery, and a gorgeous wreath (for very reasonable prices, let me add).
BREAKING NEWS: Canadian Tire Saves Santa!
Canadian Tire has been evolving to meet their shoppers' needs for 90 years now (and no, my dear children, I was not alive when they opened). At Christmas time especially, customers can find gifts, decorations and entertaining necessities all under one roof - very handy when time is of the essence.
Now sure, you may already have been aware of how Canadian Tire helps us get ready for the holidays, but here's something you didn't know: last night they stepped up their game even more...saving Christmas for everyone!
What you see below is a video showing how Canadian Tire was able to make emergency repairs on Santa's sleigh to ensure that Christmas could arrive on time! (I bet you had no idea that those gifts under the tree almost didn't get there!)

Wow - I know my daughters are certainly grateful that Santa got back in the air again, and that their Barbie Deluxe Camper, Ever After High Doll and full-to-the-brim stocking stuffers made it to our house. Thanks, Canadian Tire, and Merry Christmas, everyone!
BREAKING NEWS: Canadian Tire Saves Santa!
P.S. You've gotta figure that Canada's Christmas store will also be Canada's Boxing Week store...I know I'm going to look for some deals on holiday items to put away for next year!

Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Canadian Tire, but the opinions, as always, are my own. For more information, please visit Feel free to share the news with the hashtag #CTSavesSanta
BREAKING NEWS: Canadian Tire Saves Santa!

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