Arts & Crafts Magazine

Blue is Wonderful Too

By Leonied
For Miriam's Little Bit of Wonderful Colour Swap, I was teamed up with Georgina, one of Miriam's friends in Australia.  Georgina's favorite color is blue, duck egg blue to be specific!  My favorite color is blue too so I had even more fun creating a package for her : )
Blue is wonderful too
The items were based on the things she enjoys and likes.  I forgot to take a photo but each parcel had a wee note/clue on it and also a personal note complete with a poem (well the first stanza) that I love.
Blue is wonderful tooSomething old: A second hand book
Something new: Small blue glass vase
Something borrowed: Book borrower cards
Something blue: Nail polish
My mama always said: Chocolates
Magic: Blue crochet mushroom
Nipper grabber: Blue mini tongs
All that sparkles is not gold: Blue sprinkles
Mollie, my sisters, and I fell out, and what do you think it was all about?: Coffee
Roses are Red, Violets are blue, when you're in bed or have a sore leg, I can come too!: A wheat-bag
Fee fi fo fum: Blue jelly beans
Blue is wonderful too
Thanks again Miriam for organising a really fun and happy swap!
L xx

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