TV & Video Magazine

Blood Bytes: Best True Blood Quotes Episode 5.12 – ‘Save Yourself”

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

Blood Bytes: Best True Blood Quotes Episode 5.12 – ‘Save Yourself”

Something we enjoy to do each week is to pull out the True Blood quotes that we think are the best from each episode. The criteria for a quote to make our list is that the it must stand on it’s own when taken out of context.

In the finale episode, “Save Yourself” Bill’s transformation was THE huge shocker.  Jason and Pam had their typical great one liners, but Bill’s final speech was my favorite quote from this episode. Even though very misguided, it was a great speech given just before he drank Lilith’s blood.

Bill: I have spent my entire life as a vampire apologizing, believing I was inherently wrong somehow, living in fear. Fear that God had foresaken me, that I was damned, but Lilith grants us freedom from fear. ~Vicissitudes 9:24 “Fear not, for my blood is beyond fear – fear of sin, fear of mankind, fear of retribution. For thou art begat by God, and this world is but a spring to slake thy sacred thirst.”

Here are the other memorable quotations from this episode:

Eric: Well, that felt even better than I thought it would.

Jason and Eric: Fanger, bloodbag, leach, breather, dead fuck, meat sack.

Nora: You smell like something I once dreamed of.

Jason: If I want to be a fool, I will be a fool; that is my God give right as an American.

Pam: One of the worst things about being immortal is having to watch this same stupid scenario happen over and over, it’s usually the humans though. Guess this proves we’re just as fucking retarded as they are.

Pam: Must all roads lead to fucking Sookie?

Alcide’s Dad: Worst part about being a parent, no matter how hard you try, you can’t keep your kids from learning what a shit hole this world is.

Alcide: The words are great, deeds are better.

Jason: Before things what, spin outta control?  That train has already sailed.

Jason: The time for tolerance is over.

Maurella: My light broke.

Bill: My beautiful prophet.

Jason: Maybe we’d be better off going through life without thinkin’ something good’s waiting for us down the road, maybe we wouldn’t keep getting hurt if we just expected the worst.

Arlene: Who knew watching an alien give birth could be so comforting.

Lafayette: Are you kidding me it’s always the weird stuff that’s the best.

Holly: It’s a girl, with no umbilical chord.

Maurella to Andy: You sired them now it is your responsibility to see that at least half of them live until adulthood. I honor what was, is and will never be.

Rosalyn: Compton and Salome are off buttering each other’s biscuits half the time. Ever since Roman cashed in his chips, the work ethic around here has just gone straight to hell.

Eric: See what you’ve been missing working for the fucking Authority?

Salome: This is not a movement Bill, this is the fucking rapture. All you’ve seen and you still doubt; that is why I am stronger.

Bill: Of course it was a competition, but the weak spot for you, Salome, and it’s always has been, is that you’re not very good at predicting an adversaries behavior. Possibly because of your monumental narcissism.

Bill: I would never desecrate the holy grail.

Salome: Lilith chose wisely.

Eric: She’s a mad God Bill, she is nothing but destruction, don’t do it.

Sookie: Bill this isn’t you?

Bill: What the fuck do you know about me. For all you know everything I did with you was an act, calculated to get a particular response.

Sookie: You’re stronger than this, you are capable to sympathy and kindness and generosity. You are unique among all the vampires I’ve met. Don’t throw that away.

Bill: I have spent my entire life as a vampire apologizing, believing I was inherently wrong somehow, living in fear. Fear that God had forsaken me, that I was damned, but Lilith grants us freedom from fear ~Vicissitudes 9:24, “Fear not, for my blood is beyond fear – fear of sin, fear of mankind, fear of retribution. For thou art begat by God, and this world is but a spring to slake thy sacred thirst.”

Bill: I told you the first night we met, vampires often turn on those they love the most.

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