Diaries Magazine

Biet's First Passport

By Augustabelle
Well we've finally done it- we applied for baby girl's first passport! I've been meaning to head to the big marble midtown post office for months now to turn in the application, and finally got around to it the other day.  Since both parents have to present in order to obtain a US passport, we made a family day of it: bagels and cream cheese on the train, a stop at the passport photo studio (I love her beaming little six-toothed grin!), and lunch and dessert afterwards. It was really nice, but man oh man is midtown exhausting.
We are planning to head down to Argentina for a few weeks in September for Gaby's birthday and I am beyond excited (as is Gaby- he hasn't visited his birth place in quite a few years).  Our Israeli family will be meeting up with us in Buenos Aires, and it will be the first time in over 30 years that Gaby and his sister will be able to walk their childhood streets together.  Its going to be beautiful.  I can't wait.
And when we get back I'll have to take little Biet to the Argentinean consulate to get her Argentinean passport.. lucky girl gets dual citizenship! If anyone has any travel/neighborhood/to-do advice please do share! thanks! xx

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