Lifestyle Magazine

Best of Me! Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Collection

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
I was a late comer to makeup.
Mostly because my mother wouldn't let me wear any and I think I was about 15 when I wore mascara for the first time. Until then, my mamá really stressed the "natural beauty" thing with me. I know, I know, I could have rebelled. However I did sneak in a few blue eye shadow wearing days along with some tacky pink lip gloss to go to the roller skating rink, but that was about it. Even when I did start wearing makeup, I was under strict instruction to be as "natural as possible".
The other rule I followed religiously was that of skincare. I don't know what it was, but I was really good about washing my face and then putting on moisturizer. Good thing, right?
Now, of course now I wear makeup.
Although my routine and skin have changed over the years. I especially depend on my cover up, especially with my dark spots and years of sun damage. However recently, and especially since becoming a mamá, I have come to re-embrace my natural beauty and go makeup less every now and again. I depend more on quality moisturizers and take extra care of my skin (SPF, keep out of sun, etc).
If you had asked me a few years ago, would you ever leave the house without makeup, I would have said "hell no". Oh how times change.
Best of Me! Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Collection
Best of Me! Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Collection All naturale: Only wearing Rapid Tone Repair Moisturizer
So I was super excited when Neutrogena approached me to talk about natural beauty for their Best of Me campaign. When I saw I had to show a picture of me au naturale, I got a little scared. But that's the point of all this...we don't need to hide behind makeup!
Best of Me! Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Collection
I was also sent their new Neutrogrena Rapid Tone Repair Moisturizer (both Day with SPF and Night) along with a really cute compact - and you know I love products that have SPF and help with keeping my skin healthy.
What I like about the Rapid Tone Repair is that it is light and silky and it absorbs rapidly into the skin - especially at night when you don't want to go to bed with sticky/oily skin (the Mr. sure doesn't like it!) It has been made specifically to help fade the look of dark spots and discoloration (mask of pregnancy!)
So what say you? Do you go makeup less a few times a week to give your face a little TLC?
I'd say, go for it and while you are at it, remember to feel FABULOUS no matter what!

**I have been compensated for this post in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Neutrogena. However as you can see, that is my bare face on the blog and opinions on the products are my own!**

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