Business Magazine

Best Dns for Fast and Filterless Browsing

Posted on the 19 February 2022 by Cliff Booker

In normal everyday internet browsing, it may happen that a site that was functioning in the previous days is no longer reachable. Unless the site in question has serious technical problems, it may be that this is no longer reachable as it is blocked at the DNS level. For the less experienced, these words may be incomprehensible, but instead everything boils down to a problem that can be easily solved in a few minutes and with easy steps.

In this article we will explain, in simple words, what DNS are and which are the best DNS to set up on your computer or modem / router, to navigate around the blocks imposed on some sites.


The DNS are computer systems, which every day allow us to easily connect to a website, through your name, for example, instead of using, as happened in the past, a series of 4 blocks of numbers which constitutes the ip address of a site.

DNS or better DNS servers, are able to perform this type of conversion in real time and to give an answer to all devices that require access to a site or service. The use of common DNS servers, set by our manager, may be subject to blocks to particular sites, making them unreachable even if they are fully operational and functional.

The DNS are normally provided by the fixed telephony operator you have chosen and "disseminated" to all the devices in your network via the modem / router, but you can change them at any time and take advantage of alternative DNS services without blocks or filters and capable of , in some cases, to speed up the loading of Web pages.


To configure the DNS servers on our modem, router or computer, just replace 2 strings of numbers, which we will explain in the next paragraph. But first you need to know which are the best DNS to set up, that is:


Primary DNS
Secondary DNS

CloudFlare DNS for IPv6

2606: 4700: 4700 :: 1111
2606: 4700: 4700 :: 1001


Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

Google DNS (for IPv6)

2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8888
2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8844

You can choose Cloudfare's or Google's Dns safely, to get a connection without any limitations. It will be sufficient to replace your primary DNS and secondary DNS with one of the groups listed. Having said that now let's see how to change the DNS in various ways.


The most effective way to change DNS for all the devices you use at home is to enter new ones from your modem or router.

Proprietary routers do not always allow this type of change (for a matter of convenience), but if you use a separately purchased router you can always do this type of operation, just open the modem configuration screen (by opening your browser and typing or, go to the Internet or DHCP settings and look for DNS, DNS Server or similar.

There are two DNS servers to enter: Primary and Secondary. Once you have entered the ones chosen as an alternative, just confirm to navigate immediately access without any limitations.

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