Fashion Magazine

Benjamin Amey Now Styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Benjamin Amey is the latest stylist to join the team at Hollywood Hair in Hong Kong, and what an out of the box thinker he is. Benjamin comes from the world where creative minds push boundaries in hair styling, along with a mystical touch that will bring you to the blank page of your style, and he then steps in.

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Benjamin looks at hair styling in ways similar to dating, “The first date will be all getting to know you, feeling happy with results, comfortable and confident that moving forward is going to be the best step in your life.” Feeling good, then as he puts it “Lets meet again this time for a longer appointment so you can really open up how you always wanted to look, you probably have memories of past disasters, I can put those out of your mind,” said Benjamin.

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

The third date is where a feeling belonging is now taking shape, your styled cut is where it should be, your hair color reflects your skin tone, the shape is the right one for you face, and the future now looks more secure, why leave this relationship to risk a new possible disaster?

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Arriving from London where he was a stylist with Electric Hair Salon in Baker Street, London and having trained at Saks. The most inspiring stylist he had the fortune to see in action was Charlie Le Mindu, Le Mindu left such an impression on Benjamin he is always thinking and working out side of the box and will continue to do so, in every aspect of design he can lay his hand to.

Charlie Le Mindu - Total Weave Design

Charlie Le Mindu – Total Weave Design

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

I watched Benjamin the other day in Hollywood Hair on the 23/F of Duddle House, while he was styling one of his clients hair. As his hands glided over the clients hair, his eyes stayed in contact with his client in the mirror discussing looks, trends, likes and dislikes but all the time he brought his hands down to the clients face to demonstrate shape of the cut that will work with the shape of face. This is how Benjamin Amey works that total look, it’s not just about a cut it’s about the total look, style, job, fashion and finish.

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Benjamin Amey now styling at Hollywood Hair Hong Kong

Benjamin was styling one of his male clients hair, and the confidence that the client had at the end of his appointment resulted in this business man asking if a few highlights next time would lift the look of his hair for summer in Hong Kong, “ I have just the right look for you,” commented Benjamin. “I know exactly what to do,” to get some inspiration for this summer get to see Benjamin Amey at Hollywood Hair 23/floor, No 1 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2861 9830.

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