Current Magazine

Because Nowhere Else Sells Make-up…

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Fortune reports that make-up seller Avon, may be getting rid of its North American business, including “Avon Ladies” who sell make-up door-to-door.

3 Jobs We Suggest For Former Door-To-Door Make-Up Sales People

1. Door-to-door farm animal make-up salesperson. Because if you were able to show up at someone’s house and sell them make-up in 2015, chances are you can sell lipstick to their pigs.

2. Programmer of Amazon drones that will hopefully sell the same thing door-to-door. Someone has to make sure that the drones deliver the make-up with a friendly smile, and don’t terrifyingly ask if the person answering the door is Sarah Connor.

3. Anything else that technology doesn’t make obsolete. For example, the person who says “Quiet Please,” at tennis games. No machine will ever be able to do that.

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