Fashion Magazine

Beauty | The Simple 5 Product Face

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
Beauty | The Simple 5 Product Face
Beauty | The Simple 5 Product Face
I have lots of days where I don't want to go through a full routine of make-up on a morning. Maybe I've slept in and don't have time to apply it all, or maybe I'm just having one of those days where I don't want to cake my face, I suppose we all have them. I decided to show you my 'Simple 5 Product Face' and show you that you don't always need (although I do it too) 12 items to create an everyday look. This literally takes 5 minutes to do - so it's perfect if you're in a rush too!

I first off apply one of my favorite bases, the Nivea Tinted Moisturising Day Cream; It's a lightweight moisturiser that smooths out the skin, blurs pigmentation and creates a flawless yet natural looking complexion - I bloomin' love it. Instead of my beloved Brow Zings, I've been using this new Hi Impact Brows* palette to fill in those annoyingly sparse areas. I've been even going a shade lighter than I usually would to make it look a lot less 'in-yer-face'. A quick sweep of Benefit They're Real over the lashes never harms anyone and makes those lashes look fuller and longer than ever. I also take my trusty Benefit Hoola Bronzer* to first carefully contour, then dust all over a sun-kissed look. I also take this through the crease of my eyes to give that extra bit of definition. To finish the look off I use the Revlon Matte Balm in Elusive to add a bit of color. 

Eaaaasy or what?! A really simple look that takes minimal time and minimal effort, not forgetting minimal products! What do you use on days like these? I'd also love to know how many products you use on a daily basis - let's compare in the comments! Thanks for reading!

Beauty | The Simple 5 Product Face
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