TV & Video Magazine

Battle Of Eric & Sookie Fan Art: Fight #2

Posted on the 19 March 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Battle Of Eric & Sookie Fan Art: Fight #2In the next battle in our Eric and Sookie Fan Art Tournament…we have two more pieces for you to cast your votes on!

As you know, there are a lot of awesome, amazingly beautiful and stunning Eric and Sookie related artwork made by the talented artists who make them. We thought it would be a great way to pass the time until True Blood returns, by showcasing some of the best Eric and Sookie artwork and hosting a tournament around them!

We know what our favorites were and now we want to know YOURS! With that being said, we are going to have some battles of amazing fan art done by some talented Eric and Sookie lovers, who will face off against each other – eliminating them one by one; until there is only one left!

We have some images to show you in groups of two and all you have to do is vote on your favorite to make it to the next battle round. Are you ready? HERE WE GO!

Battle Of Eric & Sookie Fan Art: Fight #2

"Sookie, You Are Mine"

This first stunning piece, was created by masochisticlove on! It is titled, “Sookie, You Are Mine”! Who doesn’t wish they were Sookie and Eric were calling you, ‘his’? You can check out a larger image by clicking here!

Battle Of Eric & Sookie Fan Art: Fight #2

"It Tickles: Eric & Sookie"

This next piece definitely makes you giggle! Teehee! This scene was so cute and adorable between Eric and Sookie…you know the answer as to why the artist made it! Special thanks to hazelxxx from, who is the artist bringing a smile to your face! You can check out a larger image by clicking here!

Remember…the winner moves on to the next battle round – so make sure your favorite does not meet the True Death by casting your vote below! They are both excellent pieces and I do not envy you for having to make this difficult decision. Please tell us what you think of both pieces by sounding off in the comments section!

Are you ready? Let’s get it on!

Cast your vote below in the Battle of Eric & Sookie Fan Art: Fight #2!

<a href="">Take Our Poll</a>

Please note: no prizes will be awarded to the winners…this is for entertainment purposes only!

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