Entertainment Magazine

Banned Books Week

Posted on the 29 September 2013 by Candornews @CandorNews

Image from hollywood.com

Image from hollywood.com

It’s Banned Books Week, the week where we give a nod to censorship as if to say “We know you’re here and we don’t care.” Of course, then we rub it in by reading some banned books ourselves.

Censorship is most common among children and teen’s books. Well-meaning parents and teachers try to ensure that the children don’t turn into psychopaths. According to “7 Reasons Your Favorite Books Were Banned” on Huffington Post, reasons why books are banned include “offensive language”, “sexually explicit”, “homosexuality”, “violence”, “religious viewpoint”, “drugs” and “nudity”. Basically, the books got too gritty for some people.

In spirit of Banned Books Week, here are some books to read in case you want to do your part in thumbing your nose at censorship.

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
According to ALA, this is probably the most banned book series in the United States. One reason why is that the books include witchcraft. Religious groups feel that the series probably isn’t the best thing to inspire god-fearing children.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
It’s pretty obvious why this was banned. All that gore had to have caught someone’s eye.

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
This book was banned for violence and swear words.

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
This book was also banned for profanity.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
This book was banned for the use of magic and its Christian references.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
It was banned for containing suicide, drug and alcohol use, smoking, and sexual references.

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