Entertainment Magazine

AXLS: First Contact

Posted on the 30 January 2020 by Hctf @hctf
AXLS: First Contact

English synth-pop trio AXLS go against the grain with reviving the almost lost art of recording a concept album. First Contact is a haunting collection of Eighties-inspired Sci-Fi songs. Extraterrestrials invite people in for a visit to their spaceship, an obvious scheme that is accepted without asking questions. No spoilers! In order to discover the outcome of the ensuing battle - with rockets and mind control struggling to get the upper hand - set aside 40 minutes or so and brace yourself for a journey through both outer and inner space.

Humming along as you are brandishing an air weapon pf choice is optional, but highly recommended. Singer Vic stars as Alias, a woman who fights back. She is one of the rare people who is immune to the addictive virtual reality trap that is used by the aliens to take over the Planet Earth. With synth player Chris and bass ace Nathan by her side she leads the dance on the volcano. AXLS is a crack team, an electronic power trio that could go far.

Vic: vocals, programming
Chris: synths, programming
Nathan: bass, beats, programming

AXLS: First Contact

First Contact is a self-released album.

  1. The Magnificent Emptiness Of Space
  2. Alone
  3. Snow Blind
  4. Integration
  5. Heaven
  6. ICBM
  7. Alias
  8. Battle Song
  9. Ripples

Live dates:

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