Social Media Magazine

ATS Paris 2013: State of Mobile, Video & Programmatic Advertising in France

Posted on the 19 November 2013 by Smartadblog @SmartAdServerEN

ATS PARIS 2013, the data-driven event for the French online advertising industry, couldn’t have occured in a more symbolic place: the former Paris Stock Exchange, Place de la Bourse. 3 hot topics were mainly discussed all day during several interesting conferences: RTB, Video, Mobile. Here’s the compte-rendu:

ATS Paris 2013: State of Real Time Advertising

1. State of the market

"In 2017 69% of trading will be done in automation" #ATSP #Programmatic @adaptv

— Mital Goel (@MitalGoel) November 14, 2013

 Here’s a landscape of main programmatic French players:

La carte française du #programmatique, via #Appnexus à l'#ATSP

— Tradelab (@Tradelab_RTB) November 14, 2013

2. Hot topics

–  Organisational impact

Advertisers in France are more interested in productivity gain enabled by the automation than buying in real time in itself.

This gain in productivity was already highlighted  a couple of months ago at Admonsters London:

25 days of ad ops for a web campaign. You can double that for mobile in a non RTB world #ATSP @exchangewire #mobile

— Vincent Tessier (@vincenttessier) November 14, 2013

Programmatic is not supposed to destroy jobs in Sales Team but only impact the future needed skills. Julien Gardes (Rubicon Project) noted that 20% of current sales force of the Guardian, leading UK News publisher, is currently dedicated to RTB.

3) Revenues & financial figures

Dailymotion’s ECPM raised 30% after they put in competition their direct sales with RTB campaigns in their private ad exchange. For the record, Dailymotion want to regain control of its advertising operations by launching an homemade ad-exchange platform in the next coming months.

20% of LaPlaceMedia revenues (Private Market Place) is made by a CPM greater than 2€?.

No wonder, as a retargeter, Nextperf,the Criteo-like company, buys 75% of its inventory via RTB.

ATS Paris 2013: State of Mobile Advertising

1) State of the market

2014 is expected to be the year of Mobile in France.


France is the 2nd European market for new connected device penetration #ATSP #mobile

— Adbrain Team (@AdbrainTech) November 14, 2013

There’s a fact specific that make France a singular market: both Mobile & Programmatic Buying are taking-off at the same time.

2) Hot topics

- Cross Platform tracking.

A Current hot topic deals with cross platform tracking and the ability to track an user behavior, regardless of the device being used, with a “persistent-id”.

- Mobile monetization & mediation.

As available mobile inventory has been growing much faster than mobile ad spending, unsold inventory its monetization through mediation is another hot topic for publishers, all the more since in mobile, they have a lower bargaining power with Google: through Adsense, Google is reported to cash 75% of mobile mediation revenue (25% goes to publishers) versus 52% on Web.

3) Revenues & financial figures:

– 10 % of the French Adnetwork Hi-Media’s revenue is made on Mobile.

– 35% of ad spending made by the French Agency 1000 Merci is on Mobile..

ATS Paris 2013: State of Video Advertising

1) State of the market

In US, one third of brands are reportedly transferring a part of their advertising budget from TV to online Video.

2)  Hot topics

- Lack of Video premium inventory:

A big difference between traditional display & video lies in the fact that video advertisers are mostly premium, using this support for branding, to take the most of advertising formats and also because of the substantial costs launching a video media campaign implies.

Under these circumstances, video advertisers are much more demanding  and only expect relevant context and placement. They regret there are so little available inventory matching their expectations.

- Advertisers not ready for Video RTB yet

Because of the low transparency about the context we have highlighted above, Video advertisers havent jumped yet onto the RTB bandwagon. They first wanna make sure,  taking fashion as an example, their cosmetic branding campaign will be really delivered in a fashion category of a premium publisher’s site.

- Productivity

Currently, no all-integrated video ad server exist in the markets. Speakers regret they had to connect to several interfaces to launch their video campaigns and they cannot managed them seamlessly, from end-to end (.i.e they can’t target campaigns, get a inventory forecast,  then launch her campaigns and get a reporting,  all in the same interface).

Stay posted for more news around this topic in the coming days. New announcement might be done ;)

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