Entertainment Magazine

Astralingua: Space Blues

Posted on the 16 January 2019 by Hctf @hctf
Astralingua: Space Blues

Denver, Colorado based space folk duo Astralingua embark on a journey to the stars on their single Space Blues. Composer Joseph Andrew Thompson and vocalist Anne Rose Thompson capture the loneliness and homesickness of the unnamed traveler as he stairs out of his window of his vessel: "did i choose to take the trip? // did the trip choose me? // how much have i sacrificed // for curiosity?". Deryn Cullen (cello) and David Weiss (flute) were on board to lend a hand for this slow moving trip in outer space that turned into nightmarish, soul searching journey.

Space Blues is released via Midnight Lamp Records. Buy it from their website. The track will be included on their forthcoming full-length Safe Passage for release on March 8th, 2019.

» astralingua.com

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