Baseball Magazine

An Interview With Oakland A’s UK

By Gary

Although much of what I do here is the literary equivalent of digital fish wrap, I recently decided to go a different direction and did a cool and very interesting interview with Matt from Oakland A's UK. I despise long intros, so I'll let the interview do the talking...also, do yourself a favor and check out the link above if you get a chance! Enjoy.

1. Let's start with the genesis of this love affair. How did you discover baseball in a football-obsessed country, and why did you choose the Oakland A's as your favorite club? An Interview With Oakland A’s UK

In the late 1990s and early 2000s two MLB games per week were shown live on British TV in the early hours of the morning. As a big sports fan, I thought I would give baseball a shot and so I recorded a game and was hooked straight away, despite not having much of a clue what was going on at first. My first game was in mid-1998 so I lucked into the whole drama of the 'Run for '61' (slightly tarnished in retrospect!) that season and also quickly gained a healthy dislike of the Yankees due to them being annoyingly good in that period!

I thought it would be more fun to have a team to root for, but had no geographic or family reasons that might pick a team for me, other than not wanting to jump onto the bandwagon of the usual big-name teams. In the end, it came down to the colors. I come from a small city called Norwich and our soccer team plays in yellow and green, so when I saw the A's green and gold caps that was as good a reason as any.

I'd say I've properly been following the A's since 2005, as that was the first year when MLB.TV was really starting up and I was able to watch or listen to lots of games rather than just reading up about them online. 2005 really isn't all that long ago, but the way MLB.TV has developed over the years since, and streaming in general, is pretty remarkable. Add on social media and wherever you are in the world you can now feel like part of the fan base. We've been incredibly lucky that so many A's fans have been so welcoming towards us, both online and on visits to the Coliseum, and I think that speaks to the unique spirit that A's fans have.

2. Considering the time change, you and your crew have to rise at ungodly hours to watch these games. How do you suffer through it?

We are 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time so day-games are our friend! A typical 12.37pm or 1.07pm start in Oakland is 8.37pm/9.07pm here in the UK, and that means most weeks there are at least 2 if not 3 games we can watch live at a convenient time.

The night-games are usually a 2.40am or 3.07am start for us. With the best will in the world, watching those live every day, combined with a full-time job and other commitments, often isn't feasible. So we don't tend to watch 'working week' night-games live and instead either just settle for watching the highlights or watch the game back 'as live' the following day. That's been made easier over the past 18 months due to Covid lockdowns and the increase home-working where we can have it on in the background!

The other silver lining of the Covid period has been the wide adoption of Zoom calls as a way for us to watch games together despite living apart, in different parts of the UK and also friends out there in the States joining too. That helps to get us through late nights when the game is dragging on a bit.

3. Are you invested in the decision regarding the Oakland City Council and the A's potentially leaving Oakland?

Definitely. We don't come from a sporting culture of franchises and the very idea of picking up a team and moving it somewhere else is completely abhorrent to us whoever the team is, let alone the one we love. I know the A's moved from Philadelphia and KC to get here, but the team has been in Oakland since 1968 so by now I think everyone has the right to consider the A's as being Oakland's team. I guess Fisher and Kaval see the Vegas flirting as standard business practice for US franchises, but it's just the latest kick in the teeth for a fanbase that has been treated terribly for years and deserves so much better.

Clearly the Howard Terminal plan is complicated, but it feels like it has got further along the line than any other plan for a new ballpark in Oakland, so I view it all with cautious optimism. All of us in the AUK group would struggle to follow the team to a new location, especially one out of the Bay Area, so we all desperately hope that everything works out and Fisher and Kaval actually come good on their 'Rooted In Oakland' talk.

4. Who are your favorite players and most hated? (Any Jim Johnson hate would be appreciated)

Jim Johnson certainly is on the bad list, with Billy Butler being the other name that comes up most in our discussions of recent flops.

In terms of favorites, I think I loved everything about Coco Crisp, from his name to his batting stance, and he was a rare player who stuck around for quite a while. Cespedes was like a comet who shone with us briefly, but he felt like a star player when he was here, and one who genuinely seemed to enjoy being in Oakland.

Most recently, Marcus Semien and Liam Hendriks were players you had to love because we saw their struggles and how hard they worked to become excellent players, and again both had a lot of respect for the A's fan base. That made the past off-season really hard, but there are always new players to emerge or existing ones to step up. Right now, my vote would be for 'the starting rotation'! I love the way that they clearly enjoy being in each other's company and drive each other on. Here's hoping they can keep performing as well as they have up to this point.

Interview With Oakland

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