Entertainment Magazine

Amazing, Classic Sounds from the District Attorneys [free Mp3]

Posted on the 03 January 2012 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

screen shot 2011 06 16 at 12 20 06 pm 550x444 AMAZING, CLASSIC SOUNDS FROM THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYS [FREE MP3]

With all the beachy vibes and gauzy reverb flying around these days, it can be difficult for bands to truly differentiate themselves. Luckily, The District Attorneys (@dasnotfound), hailing from Athens, Georgia, stay true to their southern roots, but combine them with sun-drenched tones, amazing vocal harmonies and wailing guitar parts. They actually sound as though they came straight from my parent’s classic rock collection — think Allman Brothers meets Surfer Blood with the chill vibes of the Beach Boys. All this combines to form a band who really knows how to write a great hook, harmonize like Brian Wilson, turn up the Leslie amps and jam on some Hammond organs.

Their latest release, Waiting on the Come Down: The Basement Sessions EP, features six original songs and closes out with a fantastic cover of Gillian Welch’s “Wrecking Ball”. This EP of demos is meant to bridge the gap until their full-length release coming our way soon, so if you enjoy crazy catchy rock songs with a southern drawl, head over to their Bandcamp and download the EP for free!

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