Fashion Magazine

Albuquerque, New Mexico

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
So ... the whole purpose of asking y'all to fill this survey last week (btw, you can still answer it. There is no deadline. I will continue to check it every week) was to get an idea about which social medium, majority of you use to keep up with the blog. I have to say I was surprised with the results (so far).  
I cannot believe that 70% of you still type the blog url in your search engine every-other-day to check for new posts. While I truly do not mind how you choose to get here, as long as you do ... but if I were to guess I would have said either Facebook or RSS Feed (Email Subscription). 
Oh Well. Looks like most of my readers don't 'use' social media as much as I do. Anyhoo, if you want to get an easy access to the posts you can always get it in your inbox (see 'Subscribe via email' on the right) or follow on bloglovin' - even if I can't know who all read my blog, I would definitely be interested in knowing how many do, Y'know? (: No pressure though! 
And as expected Facebook was the most popular social platform and Google+ the least. No surprises there. 
These pictures are from Sandia Peak few miles out of Albuquerque, NM   Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Heart Print Scarf, Lucky Brand Jeans, GAP Boots,, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Jacket - Borrowed from Mom // Similar Scarf - Les Parisiennes à Delhi // Similar Jeans - Lucky Brand // Same Boots - GAP // Similar Sunglasses - Ray Bans // Similar Albuquerque, New Mexico

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