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ABC Film Challenge – Oscar Nominations – E – Edge of Democracy (2019) Movie Rob’s Pick

By Newguy

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ABC Film Challenge – Oscar Nominations – E – Edge of Democracy (2019) Movie Rob’s Pick

“A Greek writer said that democracy is only working when the rich feel threatened. Otherwise, oligarchy takes over. From father to son, son to grandson, from grandson to great grandson, and so successively. ” – Petra Costa

Number of Times Seen – 1 (4 Feb 2020)

Brief Synopsis – A look at the political upheaval in Brazil over the past decade trying to understand what truly happened.

My Take on it – This is a film that I probably would never have even thought about watching if it hadn’t been nominated for an Oscar for Best Documentary this year.

They do a fascinating job showing the various causes and effects that have led to so much turmoil in the Brazilian political system over the past few years.

The purpose of this film is to try and get a better understanding of the root issues that have led to so much strife in this country.

We get a very personal and intimate look at the people who have made a difference in this o=country while also learning about the history of the country and its politics.

The political and social perspectives on this country are quite complex and it has been very difficult to make changes in either.

I believe that a viewer with more background knowledge and a deeper understanding of the culture and people of Brazil will get an even better understanding of it all.

Regardless, they still do a nice job explaining things to those less familiar.

The overall premise of the film has a more global effect since they try and show the ways that democracy works and fails at the same time based solely on how the system has been set up decades ago.

This film probably won’t win the Oscar for Best Documentary this year, but it still was quite deserving of its nomination.

Bottom Line – Fascinating documentary that does a thorough job exploring the causes and effects of the tumultuous political system in their country. The film gives us a very personal look at the history of the country both from a political and social perspective. One who is more familiar with the political system in the country will understand things on a deeper level than those of us without prior knowledge but they still do a nice job trying to explain things. The film’s overall premise has much to do with the way that democracy works and fails at the same time due to the way that they have been set up. This film was quite deserving of its Oscar nomination for Best Documentary in 2019. Recommended!

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Although it was acquired by Netflix for international distribution, the film also played briefly in theaters in New York City and Los Angeles. (From IMDB)

Rating – Globe Worthy (8/10)

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